Training Workshop Programme

Lisbon, 28 - 30 June 2017

Use of Agrobiodiversity information in GBIF and other databases - Programme

Date: 28-30 June 2017
Location: Block C2, room 2.3.37, FCUL, Campo Grande, Lisbon
Workshop schedule: 9.00h - 17.30h

Detailed programme in pdf



Day 1, 28 June

Day 2, 29 June

Day 3, 30 june

Topic Information analysis tools for biodiversity and environmental data in the context of agrobiodiversity Agrobiodiversity information for crop breeding Benefits of wild-species biodiversity to farming activities
1st block
9:00h - 10:30h
Presentation of the project, course and participants
(Rui Figueira, Wanda Viegas, Katia Cézon)
- General presentation of the project, introduction of the course and participants

Presentation file

(Katia Cezón)
- What is GBIF
- Benefits of data publication and supported types of datasets
- Publication workflow in GBIF
- Data quality workflow & tools, overview

Presentation file: Intro to data publishing

Presentation file: Intro to GBIF

Presentation file: Publication workflow

(Filipa Monteiro)
- the importance and components of AGB
- prominence of traits in species consumed/ produced
- importance of CWR and PGR
- communities and Ecosystems
- safeguarding Biological diversity
- environmental policies - socioeconomic considerations

Presentation file

(José Carlos Franco)
-indirect use
-regulation services
-biological control
-ecological infrastructure
-invasive species

Presentation file

10:30h - 11:00h Coffee-break Coffee-break Coffee-break
2nd block
11:00h - 12:30h
(Katia Cézon)
(30 min)

(Rui Figueira)
Climate change (distribution of species)
- review of use cases applied to conservation, invasive species, human health, agrobiodiversity
- review of main modelling approaches and tools

Presentation file: Climate change

(Maria Romeiras)
Agro-biodiversity: The Crop Wild Relatives (CWR)
(30 min talk; 15 discussion)

Presentation file

(Andreia Figueiredo)
Intra-varietal diversity: grapevine as a case-study
(30 min talk; 15 discussion)

Presentation file

(J Lima Santos)
Biodiversity management in farming systems
(30 min talk; 15 discussion)

Presentation file

(Miguel BugalhoCertification and sustainable forest management
(30 min talk; 15 discussion)

Presentation file

12:30h - 14:00h Lunch Lunch Lunch
3rd block
14:00h - 15:30h
(Katia Cézon)
Practical exercises with GBIF Data Portals:
quick and advanced search, data visualization, data download, import data into an excel, georeferenced data search, work with polygons, explore by area, statistics.

Exercise 1: Use of data portal

(Maria Romeiras, Rui Figueira)
Linking different databases
- Occurrence data (GBIF)
- Additional data of the flora of Portugal (Flora-on)
- Conservation status data (IUCN)
- Taxonomic data (PlantList)
- Mediterranean plants database (Euro+Med Plantbase)
- European catalogue for plant genetic resources (ECPGR)

Exercise 2: CWR diversity

(Vânia Proença)
Biodiversity indicators:
- Data extraction: define research question and criteria for data extraction
- Rank abundance curves
- Quality assessment of sampling coverage
- Application to biodiversity indicators

Exercise 4: Biodiversity Indicators - Introduction

Exercise 4: Biodiversity Indicators

15:30h - 16:00h Coffee-break Coffee-break Coffee-break
4th block
16:00h - 17:30h
(Katia Cézon)
Practical exercises with GBIF Data Portals
(José Carlos Franco, Rui Figueira)

Pollination example
- Assess gaps of information on pollinators in Portugal
- Plan for potential sources of pollen and/or nectar availability for pollinators

Exercise 3: Ecosystem services and pollination

Evaluation of the course, discussion and certification
(Rui Figueira, Katia Cézon, Wanda Viegas)